Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today's emails!! (But don't miss the letter posted earlier today that came in the mail)

Well, today Garrett is being quite the funny missionary - or at least he THINKS he is being funny. In my typical fashion, I'm sitting at my desk trying to work, but anxiously awaiting today's email from him.  I finally see one come through, get all excited, hurry and open it only to read:

What's up Mom?

My first thought is, "Is that it???", so I reply right back asking just that, as well as something like, "don't torture me, tell me what's going on, send updates!", to which he replies:

How are you?

Okay, now I'm frustrated, mostly because I know he's sitting on the other end of this conversation laughing at me.  So I reply basically begging for a longer, more informative email, when I get this:

Stuff here is the same,  just doin' my laundry.

I send off one more quick reply with a little more begging (okay, a lot more), wait for about 45 minutes, finally decide that he used up all of his email time, when he redeems himself by sending this:

Ok, things here are the same. Which means it's super good, and I'm still diggin' it here. So the 3-some will be for the rest of the time here. It's kind of a nuisance, but it's ok. Elder Pakileata is doing it a lot better now, I'm pretty sure he likes me a lot more than his old comp (ha, ha), and hopefully he can just keep doing better. I believe in him a lot. Elder Prescott is my new comp, he's from California, and he has to change quite a bit as well, but I know they can both do it.

Conference was so awesome, watching it with 2,000 other missionaries is amazing. I can't wait until the next one, every talk meant so much.

This place is honestly the best, I could stay here for forever. (Just kidding.) I am really, really, really ready to go to Fiji! I can now teach lessons #1 and #2 pretty simply.  I'm very ready to go and I know it will be here before I know it.
So pretty much nothing super awesome happened except what I told you already in the letter I mailed. But now more than ever I know this church is true, and that every young man needs to be willing to serve a mission. It's such an important work and a very blessed work.
Au Lomani Noqu Matavuvale, kei Noqu Itokani.
Peace and Blessings,
Elda Palagi Hanke

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