Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today's e-mails - with a little Fijian thrown in...

Note from Elder Hanke's Mama:  This is email #1 from today, short and sweet, but look at that Fijian!:


Vakacava tiko,
It has been a crazy week here....biggest thing to happen is that we switched companions because Elder Brown and Elder Pakileata weren't getting along at all, so now I'm with Elder Pakileata, which has honestly been the most nutso and hardest thing I may have ever encountered. He is quite the human being, but he's doing anger management classes, so hopefully he'll improve. But it's basically my job to help him out with everything and try to make it so he doesn't want to go home.
Honestly, I have very little time today so I'll just leave you with my testimony:
Au via wasea vakadinadina, au vakadinadinataka na kiosipeli ni Jisu Karisito. Au vakadinadinataki no parofita o thomas s Monson kei na Parofita na Josefa Simici. Au vakabauta na kila ni bula vua Kalou, au vakadinadinataka na vakalesuimai na kosipeli ni jisu Karisito Ena yaca i Jisu Karisito, Emeni.

Love you all, hopefully I get faster at typing soon, but don't count on it!  ha, ha

Peace and Blessings, Sota Tale

Elder Palangi Hanke


Note #2 from Elder Hanke's Mama:  I was on-line (of course!) watching for the email to come through today, so I saw it the moment it came across. I hurried and sent a quick reply (this is really probably considered as "cheating on missionary communication", but I did it anyway) and I got the following email back a few minutes later:

Elda Brown is letting me use some of his time, very grateful for that.
That is such good news, I'm so pumped! Today has been so good you'll have to let me know the details about the job.
But I saw Elda Birky in the cafeteria this morning, so sick, I love that guy! He's so much more mature than me - ha. I yelled his name across the cafeteria to get his attention; wasn't even totally sure if it was him or not cuz I wasn't wearing the spectacles, ha-ha. But I ran over and gave him a big ol' bear hug, he's a great, great guy, ha-ha, love him.
I love all of ya'll as well, Au lomani noqu matavuvale kei itokani (I love my Fam & Friends).

Peace and blessings be with you---pray always,

Elda Palangi Hanke


Grandparents....remember that "sick" = really cool! 
FYI - Elder Birky is one of Garrett's very good friends that just got to the MTC yesterday, so you can tell that he was VERY happy to see him. :)

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