Thursday, January 24, 2013

A 21st birthday, a new release date, and a nice little letter...

Well – clearly I am becoming a little “trunky” myself… not staying on task and losing focus!  Sorry to everyone for making you wait for so long for the latest post from Elder Hanke.  Two Mondays ago, January 14th, was his birthday… my little boy is 21, hard to believe.  I “chatted” with him a bit that morning, then he and a few other missionaries went to a birthday lunch.  He said they were also going to play ping pong and basketball... then about 8 hours later I got a quick message saying they'd had a good day, but he was just too worn out to write any more. 

Also, I received an updated travel itinerary from the Church’s travel office on Monday with yet another release date for Garrett:  MARCH 27, 2013… which is one week earlier than the last date of April 3rd.  I sent the itinerary to him, and he let me know that he didn’t know anything about that date change, and that wouldn’t work out for him, because he HAS to be there on March 31st for some big Fijian celebration where he was expecting to see everyone for the last time and say his last goodbyes.  So – we’ll see what comes of that…. Because for whatever reason, Elder Hanke thinks he’s going to change his release date back to April 3rd.  More to come on that. J

Anywhoooo – below is the email from this week… enjoy:

January 21, 2013

Bula bula bula 

This week went pretty good again, I just wanna say again how good the feeling is to be a servant of the Lord, there has been no greater joy than to be doing this work. Understanding that each day we are on the Lord’s errand and feeling His influence as He guides me has been a great feeling and something I will always strive for.

Let me share with you an experience we had on Friday evening. It had been almost 2 weeks since going across the bay to visit some Fijians.  We had been trying to make it across all week but just hadn’t had the chance, so finally we decided that we needed to go. Our first and only stop was with a family who had been struggling in the past. We stopped by and luckily the father was home, he explained to us that they had been having a very difficult week and that he was very glad that we stopped , they had family and car problems so he wasn’t doin very good at this time.  He told us that us stopping by was like an answer to his prayers and that he had just been thinking about us. I know that we all have the ability to be guided to someone in need if we will just listen to and heed the promptings of the Holy Ghost, from God, and I also know just like Pres. Monson that the sweetest joys come from doing this work. In the scriptures we read that God’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, so when we team up with him and help him accomplish this great work he will bless us and we will feel closer to him and to those whom we are serving. I hope that we all will strive to find ways to serve and by doing so receive the blessings God has in store for us.

love all of you

Peace and blessings

Elder Hanke

Continued prayers are with Diana. 

Love to everyone! 

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