Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Finally an update...

I finally broke down yesterday and called the mission president, who referred me to the mission nurse, Elder Whiting.  I was able to speak with Elder Whiting for about 10 minutes last night and get a fairly good update on the situation.  (I still have a lot of questions but I guess they will be answered in time.)
Garrett did have an infection in his tooth, which they were able to take care of with antibiotics.  He didn’t get a root canal because of the other problems that surfaced, which they have been trying to take care of for a few weeks now.   They diagnosed Garrett with cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection, a couple of weeks ago, and at one point he was hospitalized for a few days in order to receive antibiotics through an IV.  Apparently the infection was in his right leg when he was hospitalized, and after he was home for a few days recovering the infection moved over into his left leg. When I talked with the nurse last night he told me that Garrett was back in the hospital for more tests because the antibiotic didn’t seem to be working, and that the mission doctor (Dr. Burton), who is based in New Zealand, has been in constant contact with the doctors that are treating Garrett.  He emphasized numerous times that Garrett is in good hands and is being well taken care of.
Elder Whiting also told me that he has talked to Garrett several times, and that Gar is in really good spirits.  He also said that there is a senior missionary couple in the same area and that they have been checking on him daily.  When I told Elder Whiting that we hadn’t heard from Garrett for three weeks he told me he would contact the senior mission couple as soon as we hung up and ask them to take a laptop to the hospital so that Garrett could send an email.  So here’s the email, what a relief to hear from him!
Mom…. Hahahahahaha….
How is it going?
All I can do is make a big apology for this whole situation, ha, but I must say there is not very much that I could do about it.
So I heard you talked with our mission doctor and he told you about the sickness and about the hospital and everything, so I don’t think there is a whole lot that I can say about what’s going on, haha.  All I know is that you shouldn’t worry about me, it’s really fine.  They’ve got it figured out, it will just take time to get it taken care of and recover, but honestly I’m fine.  There’s nothing to do with the situation except wait it out. My guess is just that during this whole time the people are just getting more prepared for me to teach them when I bust loose out of the hospital and the members are preparing by getting a lot of food ready for me so that I can put some weight back on.  That’s the second most frustrating thing is that I’m stinkin’ skinny and it will take a few months to get back the weight but oh well, what can you do…?
So other than that there is nothing really to tell, ha, but I will be emailing you this Monday for sure, so don’t worry anymore.  I know, though, that struggles we go through are for a reason and that Heavenly Father prepares us in our weakness.  I also know and so do you that there are many more in much worse situations than this and they are the ones we should really pray for.
Thank you for freaking out too much.  Sorry for the trouble.
I love you.
Peace and blessings,
Your son
So…. I’ll try to chill out now, but I’m definitely grateful for the update and for the email! 
Love to everyone, thanks for your support.

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