Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fijian happiness, California style...

What’s goin’ on? Ha-

Bula Vinaka!

Au sa tiko mai na lotu Vaviti sa set sara ga mai eke .
This week has been like a breath of fresh air, a glass of ice cold FIJI water, the smell of fresh laundry…

The branch here is small but it definitely has the Fijian spirit, I love it. We went around a lot this week to meet some of the members and pretty much every single one of them know people that I know whether it’s family or friends, so I have had a lot of fun with that, ha. We also cover half of an English ward out here and they are also great, lots of sweet members.   But honestly, we have been and will continue to focus our attention on the Fijian branch. They have a lot of less active members that we want to bring back into the fold, and also there are a lot of potential investigators that we can look up and start teaching, so I’m pumped. Unfortunately, Pita’s parents don't go to this branch. There is another one in the Santa Rosa mission at a place called Navato or something, but they do know I’m here and they'll be coming over here soon so I can see them.

But ya, the week has just been great. Every time we run into a new Fijian person I start talking to them in Fijian and they like freak out and ask me if I’m Fijian and I just tell them that I am and so we all get a big laugh.  It’s classic, I could do that all day. We have some sweet investigators and I’m pumped to do some teaching to them. I’ve already had some really cool experiences since getting here which is great.  My area is crazy, meaning our whole mission plus some is my area.  In the white ward we have boundaries, but for the Fijians we have been approved to go wherever they are and if that means leaving the mission then we can do it so that is crazy. We mostly work around South San Fran, San Bruno and San Mateo, but we went all the way to downtown San Fran twice this week for appointments.  So… it will be pretty interesting to see how these 9 months will be but I’m excited.

What else, that’s the most of it.  I have only dipped my feet into the water at this point so next week I'll have more of the deets to give you. This week all 4 of our investigators were either gone or busy so I haven't actually been able to sit down and get to know them.

Happy Father’s Day to Dad and the Grandpa’s , hope you all had a great day!

That’s all folks.

Peace and blessings,

Elder Hanke/Tavoi

Temporal side note, haha: I now have 5 minutes from where I live a huge shopping mall with a Kohls and whatever else I need, so thank you so much again for the package but I should have been more patient.
Also, will you send my church sulus over as well as some of those colorful house sulus please?
Speaking of a breath of fresh air.... wow, what a relief and a blessing to hear Elder Hanke sound so happy!  He really seems to be getting back in to his "Fijian Element", which I am so very grateful for. 
"Peace and blessings" to you all, thank you for your continued support of Elder Hanke.

1 comment:

  1. He sounds just like Grandpa Mike! Grandpa can go ANYWHERE and find someone he knows or a relative of someone he knows.
