Monday, June 13, 2011

More "sweet stories" from Elder Hanke...

Bula Vinaka noqu matavuvale kei itokani,

So the last week was so sweet, I baptized Komai yesterday! But the bishop didn't fill the font up very high and since both of us are tall and he weighs about 100 more pounds than me he didn't go under the first time. It was all good though, we did it again and it worked, but I don't really know how I pulled him up out of the water! He is so awesome…the spirit was so strong at the service. His family came and his mom got up and talked and said she has never seen Komai so happy, and that she doesn't know why Mormons are so happy! I about busted up laughing, I wanted to just say, “I can answer your question!”.  She is being prepared for missionaries, but still not willing to accept lessons yet. Hopefully soon.

We had a lesson yesterday with two guys form the Soloman Islands; they go to school at USP and invited us over.  In the lesson we focused on Moroni 10: 3-5, and read the introduction of the Book of Mormon with them saying we can teach you all we know but it won't mean anything until you know for yourselves that it’s true, through study and sincere prayer. At the end of the lesson one of them asked if he could give the closing prayer, which was so awesome.  I can't even describe how it felt in the room, it was so sweet.

I know from many different examples that the Gospel blesses lives; it helps when we need help. When we don't do the things we’re asked by living the Gospel standards there is definitely something missing.  So many people we meet with don't let the Gospel in and I can tell it really hurts them. They get caught up in worldly things that give pleasure right at the moment, but the moment NEVER lasts. They always come to us with their struggles and when we ask them if they went to church, read the scriptures, or prayed they always say no. I promise that the Gospel blesses people, and the reason I know most of all is because of my own experiences, I would not share any of this if there was any doubt in my mind of its truthfulness. I know it’s true and it works.

Apineasa is the best example I know.  He is a 25 year old Fijian who three months ago didn't have any direction in life; he was going to school hanging out with friends, just being a normal guy. But after missionaries taught him he found that there was something to live for, something to look forward to. He is now done partying and has a plan for his life and when he has a hard time fulfilling it he knows what he can rely on for help. He just got a call as the 1st counselor in the Young Men’s, and is working on applying to go to school at BYU-Hawaii. He’s a sweet guy who helps us with our Fijian whenever we see him, and also with anything else we need.

Mom, don't ever worry about me, ever.  I have received so many blessings since I've been on my mission that it’s not even funny. The best one is the opportunity to help other people and try and bless their lives.  Any temporal problem can be worked out, but spiritually there is nothing better to do than this.

Happy Father’s Day!  And congrats to Easton on being baptized, that is so awesome man.

I hope you are all having a good time without me, haha.

Au lomani eda.

Peace and Blessings,

Sota Tale Elda Garrett Hanke

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