Sunday, December 11, 2011

Doing well...

Friday afternoon I was at work when up popped an email from Elder Hanke, what a surprise!  So here’s a modified version of our chat, which will have to suffice as the weekly email:
Nova Scotia, are you there?
Yup, what are you doing?
Our  P-day is today because we go to Suva this weekend and next week for a  mission tour.
Hmmmmm, this is where I will start editing my responses because when I read them now I sound like an incessant, overbearing mother.  (Not sure why my replies would come across like that??  And Kyndra, please don’t respond to that comment.)  J   I basically asked how he was feeling, and what was going on... in my typical, overly-verbose manner.
I'm feeling way better every day, ha, my comp. doesn't have to do everything for me anymore!  I’ve got my big boy pants back on, haha, and it feels goooooood, ya!  Sorry, I forgot to tell you last week that P-day was today .

How are you doing?
Let’s see, I may have asked him just a few more questions about how he’s feeling, if he’s eating well, if he had any stories to tell us….
No stories yet still, just chillin’, but just less than usual. But ya next week I'll be back out and it will be like it never happened.
My response:  How have you really been feeling?  How are your legs? Are you eating well? (Can’t I just get some specific answers?)
We go to Suva on Sunday and come back Thursday, so it should be a dang good time.  And I feel fine, seriously, just can't walk that far yet but no worries.
And one other thing if you send a Flip (video recorder) don't send it in its packaging, send it just in some case or something and if you have to put the value declared on the package slip don't put the real amount just say 20 dollars or something because if it is a lot then it costs a lot to get out of the post office. (Trust me on this one it was my job to deal with this before.)

Thought I'd give it one more shot to see if I could get some answers…   Also told him he should be writing in his journal!
That’s why I want the Flip so bad, it will be easier and I will get more info in less time and it will be funny, too.

I gotta go now,  I'll talk to you in a week.

Love you mom, say hi to everyone for me.

Peace and Blessings,

(I can’t seem to find out what this word means in English!)
So, that’s it for this week, but at least all seems to be good.  I suppose that if they are letting him travel for the mission conference/Christmas party, that he must be recuperating well.  (I guess I'll have to accept the fact that he was allowed to travel as the answer to all of my questions.) 

I happened to run in to our Stake President and one of his counselors in church today.  They both stopped to ask how Garrett is doing, although neither of them knew what had been going on with his health.  They both happen to be doctors, so I was able to run everything past them and get their opinions, which was great.  They said that there shouldn't be any long-term issues from the cellulitis, and that once Gar is all healed he should be fine. (This has been a big concern of mine, so I was happy to hear this from both of them.)

I can’t even express how grateful we are for all of the thoughts and prayers in Garrett's behalf.  He seems to be doing much better….which is such a huge blessing, as well as a huge relief. 
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday season!
Love to all,

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